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Academies Australasia Polytechnic (AAPoly) takes a zero-tolerance approach to sexual assault and sexual harassment and other forms of harmful misconduct and is committed to providing a safe environment for students and staff.

Sexual assault occurs when a person is forced, coerced or tricked into sexual acts against their will or without their consent, or if a child or young person under 16 is exposed to sexual activities. Sexual assault is a crime and can happen to anyone in our community. It is never the responsibility or fault of the person who has been assaulted.

Indecent assault is unwanted touching of a person’s body by another person. For example, it can include kissing or inappropriate touching of a person’s breasts, bottom or genitals.

Sexual harassment is any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour, which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. Sexual harassment is not interaction, flirtation or friendship which is mutual or consensual.

Consent occurs when an adult freely and voluntarily agrees to engage in sexual activity. Sexual assault occurs when someone is unable to and/or does not give consent, or when someone is below the age of consent.

What to do if you need help?

AAPoly's Student counsellor

If you wish to make a confidential report or disclosure or a formal complaint you may want to see AAPoly’s student counsellor. The Student Counsellor will:

  • attend to your physical, emotional, and social needs;
  • provide a safe space to explore and express thoughts and feelings;
  • provide information and referrals to the support services available; and,
  • provide information about rights and options available to you and help you exercise your rights upon request.

Emergency Help:

VICTORIA Specialist Support Services:

  • 24 hours a day
  • 24 hour crisis care support following a sexual assault in the last 2 weeks
  • short to medium term counselling and advocacy support
  • support groups
  • 24 hour telephone counselling and support
  • 24 hours a day. Counselling and medical services are available for women who have been sexually assaulted.
  • Free advice and support for international students
  • 126 Moor Street, Fitzroy Victoria 3065
  • Specialist Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer service.
  • Free call 8am – 11pm, 7 days a week.

NSW Sexual Violence Helpline

  • Counselling and medical services are available for anyone who has been sexually assaulted.


Other Support Services:

  • ReachOut provides support to survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment and has compiled a list of state-based support services. This list can be accessed from the sexual assault support webpage.

Translating Services and Services for People with Disabilities

All the above internal and external emergency and support services are free and confidential.

Support for victims of image based abuse

Image based abuse is when someone shares, or threatens to share, an intimate image or video of a person without their consent.

The Australian Government has a website that provides support and advice to victims of image-based abuse.

Reporting an incident

Please report any incidents of Sexual Assault or Sexual Harassment to our Student Counsellors by emailing or completing the Incident and Hazard Reporting Form. When using the form, you may choose to remain anonymous* or include your details. If you provide your details, we will follow up to ensure your safety, offer support, and confirm your satisfaction with our response.

Things you may want to include in your report include: What happened? Who was involved? Where/when did it happen? Any other relevant details.

*Please note that if you report anonymously we will not be able to provide you with any updates on our response to your report.

Sexual assault and sexual harassment advisory body (SASH-AB)

AAPoly’s Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Advisory Body (SASH-AB) oversees the development and implementation of an action plan addressing the recommendations of Australian Human Rights Commission’s Change the Course National Report on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment at Australian Universities, 2017. The “Change the Course” recommendations are designed to ensure that frameworks, policies and procedures, preventative actions and reporting processes are in place, operate effectively, and provide comprehensive and compassionate support to victims of harassment and/or abuse. The SASH-AB meets regularly and advises the CEO on recommended actions and progress with the Action Plan.


  • Student Counselling Lead (the Chairperson)
  • Student Counsellor (Deputy Chair)
  • Academic Dean – Higher Education
  • Two HE Academic Team members
  • Faculty Head – Vocational Education Training
  • Student Services Representative
  • SASH advocate