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Embarking on a student journey is an exciting and pivotal time in one’s life. However, it can come with challenges that may be unfamiliar to students, especially if new to the country and without the support network of family and friends.

Challenges can involve adjusting to the new environment, adopting new routines, integrating into a new social and academic context, coping with the demands of study, securing employment and managing financial obligations.

Our qualified and experienced Counsellors offer a safe and supportive space to express the issues that are important to students in order to gain direction or strategies to overcome them. Counselling sessions are strictly confidential; AAPoly is committed to respecting privacy around personal matters.

Engaging with our counselling services will help lift students’ aspirations towards improving mental health and well-being, enhancing the student experience at AAPoly.

Reasons to seek counselling:

Students from all backgrounds seek counselling and support for personal and study-related matters. Students can seek help about any personal issue, personal development or challenging life event, including:

  • Homesickness, loneliness or isolation
  • Stress, anxiety or depression
  • Study pressures
  • Relationship heartache or grief
  • Upsetting life events
  • Sexual assault or harassment
  • Domestic violence
  • Incidents of discrimination
  • Sleep or eating disturbance

Safety Tips with Technology

The following webpage provides valuable guidance for individuals who feel unsafe, experience abuse, or are being stalked through technology or social media platforms.

Benefits of counselling:

Students can choose to attend one session or ongoing counselling support to feel positive and lasting change in their well-being. Benefits of counselling include:
  • Improved mindset and resilience
  • Transformed thoughts, feelings and behaviours
  • Development of new strengths and skills
  • Greater recovery from challenging life events
  • Better day to day functioning and more positive moods
  • Healthier and happier personal and professional relationships
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence

How to access our counselling services:

Book your free and confidential session:

If you have general questions that don’t require full 30-minute appointment, please email

Support Services in Australia

We have put together a list of put together a list of federal and state services covering a variety of needs,such as counselling,legal guidance,and medical aid.These external resources are available to provide direction and support to students who are dealing with personal challenges,professional conflicts,domestic violence,or health isssues.

We are committed to empowering our students and ensuring they are informed about the diverse range of resources available to support their personal and professional success.

Federal Resources and General Support:

State Resources and Support:

Contact NameServicesContact Details
000 (Triple Zero)Emergency services requiring ambulance, fire brigade and/or police.

Triple Zero (000)

1800RespectProvides support to people impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence. Services available 24/7.

1800 737 732

Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS)Provides support, information, counselling and referral services to individuals having issues with alcohol or other
1800 250 015
Australian Consumer LawLearn about your consumer rights and how the Australian Consumer Law can provide you with safeguards as a
Australian Human Rights CommissionAn independent agency that promotes and protects human rights in Australia. it works to address discrimination and advocate for a fair and inclusive
Australian Taxation OfficeArrange Tax File Number. Learn about tax and super as well as well as income and
Beyond BlueFree counselling services for individuals having anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts.

1300 22 4636

Commonwealth OmbudsmanAn independent agency that can assist in resolving complaints including complaints from international students who are currently studying, previously studied, or are planning to study with private education providers on a student visa.

1300 362 072

Department of Home AffairsVisa enquiries and
Fair Work CommissionAn independent tribunal in Australia responsible for regulating workplace relations and resolving disputes between employers and employees

1300 799 675

Fair Work OmbudsmanProvides information and assistance about workplace rights and
Gambler’s Help Provides services to help people overcome their gambling issues and regain control of their lives.

1800 858 858

GriefLineA free national helpline service that provides support to people who are experiencing grief, loss, trauma, or loneliness.

1300 845 745

HeadspaceProvides online or phone mental health support service for young people aged 12 to 25, and for family who are seeking support about how to help a young person (aged 12-25) in their life.

1800 650 890

HealthdirectPublic health information
1800 022 222
IDPInformation about study options, applications and student
LifelineProvides 24/7 crisis support to individuals feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping or staying
13 11 14
MensLine AustraliaA free telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime.

1300 78 99 78

QLifeA national counselling and referral service specifically designed to support the LGBTQI people in Australia.

1800 184 527

Pregnancy Help AustraliaProvides a safe space to discuss needs, worries or concerns about pregnancy.

1300 139 313

Reach OutReachOut is an online, anonymous, and confidential platform created for young people to express themselves openly, gain insight into their lives, connect with supportive peers, and build resilience through a variety of resources and moderated
Study AustraliaOfficial Australian Government source of information for prospective and current international students, and their families providing practical and reliable information about studying and living in
Suicide Call Back ServiceOffers crisis support to anyone in Australia with suicide-related issues who is aged 15 years and older.

1300 659 467

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)Interpreting services provided by the Department of Home
City of SydneyInformation on all the services, facilities, and events in the city centre and the surrounding
GambleAwareManaging problems with
Legal AidProvides free legal
NSW PoliceProvides police assistance including reporting criminal
131 444
Poison Information CentreCall this number if you think someone has taken an overdose, made an error with medicine or been
13 11 26
Service NSWNSW Government Services including driving and
Study NSWStudy NSW leads the NSW Government’s support for international students and the international education sector partnering with businesses and communities to support international
Transport NSWInformation about trip planning, travel alerts, tickets and
Care in MindProvides mental health services for people in northern, central and western Melbourne. These services can be accessed through a referral from your GP or psychiatrist.

1300 096 269

Compassionate Friends VictoriaProvides support and a safe space for bereaved people to grieve, heal and grow.

1300 064 068

DirectlineProvides a 24-hour telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone wishing to discuss an alcohol or drug-related issue.

1800 888 236

Royal Women’s Hospital Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL)Provides information, referrals and support to victims, concerned family and community members, and health professionals.(03) 9635 3610
JobWatchAn independent, not-for-profit community legal centre dedicated to supporting workers in Victoria, Queensland, and Tasmania with employment rights.

(03) 9662 1933

Service VictoriaVictorian Government Services including driving and
Sexual Assault Crisis LineProvides after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault.

1800 806 292

SuicidelineFree counselling and support for people at risk of suicide and anyone experiencing mental health issues

1300 651 251

Study Melbourne Student CentreA Victorian Government initiative providing support and information to international students while studying and living in Victoria.

1800 056 448

Victoria Legal Aid Provides free legal
Victorian Poisons Information CentreCall this number if you think someone has taken an overdose, made an error with medicine or been poisoned.

13 11 26

Victoria PoliceProvides police assistance including reporting criminal activities.

131 444

William Anglis First Aid and Medical CentreProvides healthcare services supporting numerous international students who study in Melbourne

03 9606 2208

Women’s Emergency Care at the Royal Women’s HospitalProvides direct clinical primary care for women presenting with acute obstetric and gynaecological problems and newborns. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

20 Flemington Road, Parkville

(03) 8345 2000






AnglicareWAProvides a wide range of community services, including support for families, housing assistance, financial counselling, mental health services, and advocacy for social justice.

1300 114 446

Department of TransportDriver and vehicle
Legal Aid WAProvides free legal
Men’s Domestic Violence HelplineProvides telephone information and referral to ongoing face to face services for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours.

1800 000 599 / 08 9223 1199

Mental Health Emergency Response LineProvides access to a trained mental health clinician for assessment, crisis support, system navigation, information, advice, and referrals to appropriate services when necessary.1300 555 788
Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC)Provides free crisis services to people who have experienced a recent sexual assault (rape) in the last two weeks; and counselling for sexual assault or sexual abuse experienced recently or in the past.

1800 199 888

StudyPerthProvides support and resources to international students to enhance their educational experience and ensure their well-being while studying in
The SamaritansA not-for-profit organisation that provides emotional support counselling for people in times of need.

0863 839 850

WA Poisons Information CentreProvides management advice in cases of suspected poisoning and known
13 11 26
Western Australia Police ForceProvides police assistance including reporting criminal
131 444
Women’s Domestic Violence HelplineProvides support for women, with or without children, who are experiencing family and domestic violence.

1800 007 339 / 08 9223 1188

For external referral services and emergencies after hours, please refer to this list of providers:


Lifeline Australia provides people in Australia access to crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Phone: 13 11 14 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Suicideline (Victoria) provides free, professional, anonymous support for people in Victoria at risk of suicide, concerned about someone else’s risk of suicide, and bereaved by suicide.
Phone: 1300 651 251 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)


William Anglis First Aid and Medical Centre offer a bulk-billing service to all International students with a valid OSHC card.

Address: Level 2 in Building C, 555 La Trobe Street, Melbourne
Phone: 03 9606 2208 (8am – 5pm, Mon – Fri)


Beyond Blue provides information and support to help Australians achieve their best possible mental health.

Phone: 1300 22 4636 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week

eheadspace provides a confidential, free, and secure space for young people (12 – 25 years) or their family. You can chat, email, or speak on the phone with a qualified youth mental health professional.

Phone: 1800 650 890 (9am – 1am, every day)

Care in Mind provides free online and phone counselling for people living, working, or studying in Melbourne’s northern, central, and western suburbs.

Phone: 1300 096 269 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Reach Out is Australia’s leading online mental health organisation for young people. You can access a range of information and resources on a range of mental health and well-being topics through the website.


Women’s Emergency Care at the Royal Women’s Hospital provide a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week response to recent sexual assaults for women and men:

Address: 20 Flemington Road, Parkville

The Royal Women’s Hospital Sexual Assault Crisis Line provides crisis care response for people who have experienced sexual assault.

Phone: 03 9635 3610 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

The Sexual Assault Crisis Line provides state-wide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault.

Phone: 1800 806 292 (5pm – 9am, 7 days a week)

1800Respect provides a national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service.

Phone: 1800 737 732 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

The Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre is Victoria’s 24/7 family violence support service.

Phone: 1800 015 188 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)


Directline is a confidential alcohol and drug counselling and referral service.

Phone: 1800 888 236 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Gambler’s Help provide support for anyone affected by gambling.

Phone: 1800 858 858 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)


Compassionate Friends Victoria provides grief support.

Phone: 1300 064 068 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

GriefLine provide anonymous support and specialist grief counselling to individuals and families.

Phone: 03 9935 7400 (12pm – 3am, 7 days a week)


Fair Work Commission can help with employment related matters, including pay and leave disputes or unfair dismissal.

Phone: 1300 799 675 (9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday)

JobWatch is a free and confidential employment rights legal centre.

Phone: (03) 9662 1933 (9am – 5pm, Mon – Fri and 9am – 8.30pm, Wed)


Study Melbourne Student Centre provide free support, information and contacts to help you enjoy living and studying in Victoria, including help with accommodation, health, employment and legal problems.

Address: 17 Hardware Lane, CBD.
Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except public holidays)
Phone: 1800 056 448