Academies Australasia Polytechnic organisational policies are listed below.
Academic Quality Assurance Policy
States the guiding principles that govern AAPoly’s approach to ensuring quality assurance, including the role the Academic Board and the Courses Committee play in analysing data gathered on courses and units (including feedback from staff, students, graduates, graduate employers, professional bodies and industry) and in providing advice on the required follow-up action.
Academic Staff Scholarship Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action AAPoly performs to ensure all teaching staff maintain the currency of their qualifications and/or vocational competencies and industry experience – this includes advising a professional development schedule, monitoring and validating the Professional Development Plan and encouraging specific scholarly activities.
Appointment, Monitoring and Termination of Representation Policy & Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action AAPoly performs to identify potential representatives (REPs) and to investigate and evaluate their integrity in order to ensure REPs are not engaged in dishonest practices; outlines the training process for informing REPs about AAPoly and the environment in Australia for students; and, defines the conditions and the process involved in monitoring REPs and terminating the business relationship.
Articulation Arrangements Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles that govern the pathways of learning which allow students to move between chosen courses and qualifications – this includes cross-sector qualification links and credit transfer or exemption arrangements established through a pathway.
Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action performed to measure AAPoly’s performance against good practice demonstrated by a partner organisation – it involves identifying the improvement need, measuring performance within the specified area (benchmarking), analysing the benchmarking outcomes, implementing an improvement plan with actions and deliverables and reviewing the outcome of the change implemented.
Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Prevention Policy and Procedure
Changes to Ownership or Management Policy | Procedure
This policy and procedure ensure that the designated authorities will be timely informed of any prospective ownership and/or management changes at AAPoly.
Compliance Policy
This Policy ensures that AAPoly and its staff are diligent in its operations, maintaining a level of performance which complies or exceeds the requirements of the regulatory frameworks within which it operates.
Course Review and Reaccreditation Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the sequence of activities required in the review and reaccreditation or discontinuation/teach out of higher education courses, including implementing a comprehensive course review, a mid-duration course review, regular interim course and subject monitoring and end of semester reviews and the process involved with change management and formal reporting to the Academic Board.
Critical Incident Management Policy and Procedure
Outlines the process followed by AAPoly to report a critical incident and outlines the procedures for keeping records and performing follow up actions.
Development and Maintenance of Organisational Policies and Procedures Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows when new policies, policy reviews or policy updates are required – this includes responding to feedback from staff, students and industry, responding to changes in legislation or the standards for registration and responding to the advice or guidelines provided by the Academic Board and professional bodies.
Equivalence of Professional Experience to Academic Qualifications Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to determine equivalent standing ensuring that appropriately qualified staff is appointed to provide educational services.
Health and Safety Policy & Procedure
This policy and procedure provide the guidelines for maintaining safe and healthy premises in which AAPoly staff, students and third-parties can carry out their relevant activities effectively.
Higher Education Course Development and Approval Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action AAPoly performs to develop new courses and review existing courses in order to provide self-assessment of the courses currently being offered or of courses being constructed.
Internal Articulation Arrangements Policy | Procedure
This policy serves as a guideline of the framework for internal articulation practices within Academies Australasia Polytechnic (AAPoly).
Internal Audit Policy | Procedure
AAPoly’s systems and practices are internally audited at least once a year, to maintain compliance with regulatory standards.
Marketing Information and Practices Policy and Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to allow potential students to make informed decisions by making available easily accessible, accurate, relevant and timely information that clearly identifies domestic and international students’ eligibility to enter a course and eligibility for government funding.
Records Management Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to manage record keeping, including: determining the record-keeping requirement of specific documents and the access awarded to authorised parties; dealing with sensitive, personal, confidential and proprietary information; and, providing security for stored data.
Return to Work Policy | Procedure
This policy applies to all employees who have been absent from the workplace due to work-related illness or injury and has claimed workers compensation.
Risk Management Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to manage risk, including establishing the risk context, conducting risk assessment, developing risk treatment plans, monitoring and reviewing the efficacy of risk treatment plans and communicating and consulting with key stakeholders to ensure risk management aligns with AAPoly’s strategic objectives.
Staff Induction Policy and Procedure
The induction policy explains the principles by which the induction of new staff members at AAPoly is conducted.
Staff Performance Review Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to manage individual staff member’s performance including developing a plan of performance objectives, reviewing the individual’s achievements, providing opportunities to improve, enhance or develop skills and knowledge, determining performance ratings, rewarding high performance, managing poor performance and determining who has access to and use of the performance review documents.
Staff Professional Development Policy and Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action AAPoly performs to ensure newly appointed, continuing and fixed-term employees are provided with a professional development program, an induction into the organisation and mentor/coaching support and to ensure all permanent and fixed term staff participates in formal Professional Development.
Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows when employing staff, including reviewing the Position Description, advertising and processing applications, forming selection panels (with attention given to the composition of the panel), identifying the responsibilities of members of the selection panel, short-listing applicants, interviewing applicants, recommending appointments, contacting referees, advising successful and unsuccessful applicants, reimbursing interview expenses, assisting new employees with travel and relocation expenses and receiving evidence of original qualifications.
Teach-out Management (Higher Education) Policy | Procedure
This policy and procedure provides a systematic approach in managing the teach-out of students enrolled in a permanently discontinued Higher Education (HE) course in line with the regulatory requirements.
Training and Assessment Strategies and Practices Policy | Procedure
AAPoly is committed to the provision of high-quality vocational education through the development of pedagogically sound and compliant Training and Assessment Strategies and tools.
Transition Management Policy | Procedure
This policy and procedure provide a systematic approach in managing the transition requirements from superseded Training Packages, qualifications, and units of competency and supporting the management of AAPoly’s scope of registration in line with the regulatory requirements.
Tuition Protection Scheme Policy and Procedure
This policy states the guiding principles and outlines the actions AAPoly undertakes to support students enrolled in VET and Higher Education programs in the event AAPoly is unable to continue delivering their course of study. AAPoly has arrangements in place to ensure that students are provided with a suitable alternative course with an external provider or have their unused tuition fees refunded.
Academic Quality Assurance Policy
States the guiding principles that govern AAPoly’s approach to ensuring quality assurance, including the role the Academic Board and the Courses Committee play in analysing data gathered on courses and units (including feedback from staff, students, graduates, graduate employers, professional bodies and industry) and in providing advice on the required follow-up action.
Academic Staff Professional Development Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action AAPoly performs to ensure all teaching staff maintain the currency of their qualifications and/or vocational competencies and industry experience – this includes advising a professional development schedule, monitoring and validating the Professional Development Plan and encouraging specific scholarly activities.
Access to and Use of Past Examination Material Policy | Procedure
Outlines confidentiality guidelines and the conditions that apply to accessing and using past examination material – this includes conditions concerning the use of past exams for assessment design and preparation, coaching or benchmarking purposes.
Appointment, Monitoring and Termination of Representation Policy & Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action AAPoly performs to identify potential representatives (REPs) and to investigate and evaluate their integrity in order to ensure REPs are not engaged in dishonest practices; outlines the training process for informing REPs about AAPoly and the environment in Australia for students; and, defines the conditions and the process involved in monitoring REPs and terminating the business relationship.
Articulation Arrangements Policy
States the guiding principles that govern the pathways of learning which allow students to move between chosen courses and qualifications – this includes cross-sector qualification links and credit transfer or exemption arrangements established through a pathway.
Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action performed to measure AAPoly’s performance against good practice demonstrated by a partner organisation – it involves identifying the improvement need, measuring performance within the specified area (benchmarking), analysing the benchmarking outcomes, implementing an improvement plan with actions and deliverables and reviewing the outcome of the change implemented.
Changes to Ownership or Management Policy | Procedure
This policy and procedure ensure that the designated authorities will be timely informed of any prospective ownership and/or management changes at AAPoly.
Compliance Policy
This Policy ensures that AAPoly and its staff are diligent in its operations, maintaining a level of performance which complies or exceeds the requirements of the regulatory frameworks within which it operates.
Course Development and Approval Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action AAPoly performs to develop new courses and review existing courses in order to provide self-assessment of the courses currently being offered or of courses being constructed.
Course Review and Reaccreditation Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the sequence of activities required in the review and reaccreditation or discontinuation/teach out of higher education courses, including implementing a comprehensive course review, a mid-duration course review, regular interim course and subject monitoring and end of semester reviews and the process involved with change management and formal reporting to the Academic Board.
Development and Maintenance of Organisational Policies and Procedures Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows when new policies, policy reviews or policy updates are required – this includes responding to feedback from staff, students and industry, responding to changes in legislation or the standards for registration and responding to the advice or guidelines provided by the Academic Board and professional bodies.
Equivalence of Professional Experience to Academic Qualifications Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to determine equivalent standing ensuring that appropriately qualified staff is appointed to provide educational services.
Internal Audit Policy | Procedure
AAPoly’s systems and practices are internally audited at least once a year, to maintain compliance with regulatory standards.
Marketing Information and Practices Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to allow potential students to make informed decisions by making available easily accessible, accurate, relevant and timely information that clearly identifies domestic and international students’ eligibility to enter a course and eligibility for government funding.
Records Management Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to manage record keeping, including: determining the record-keeping requirement of specific documents and the access awarded to authorised parties; dealing with sensitive, personal, confidential and proprietary information; and, providing security for stored data.
Return to Work Policy | Procedure
This policy applies to all employees who have been absent from the workplace due to work-related illness or injury and has claimed workers compensation.
Risk Management Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to manage risk, including establishing the risk context, conducting risk assessment, developing risk treatment plans, monitoring and reviewing the efficacy of risk treatment plans and communicating and consulting with key stakeholders to ensure risk management aligns with AAPoly’s strategic objectives.
Staff Induction Policy | Procedure
The induction policy explains the principles by which the induction of new staff members at AAPoly is conducted.
Staff Performance Review Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows to manage individual staff member’s performance including developing a plan of performance objectives, reviewing the individual’s achievements, providing opportunities to improve, enhance or develop skills and knowledge, determining performance ratings, rewarding high performance, managing poor performance and determining who has access to and use of the performance review documents.
Staff Professional Development Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the action AAPoly performs to ensure newly appointed, continuing and fixed-term employees are provided with a professional development program, an induction into the organisation and mentor/coaching support and to ensure all permanent and fixed term staff participates in formal Professional Development.
Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy | Procedure
States the guiding principles and outlines the process AAPoly follows when employing staff, including reviewing the Position Description, advertising and processing applications, forming selection panels (with attention given to the composition of the panel), identifying the responsibilities of members of the selection panel, short-listing applicants, interviewing applicants, recommending appointments, contacting referees, advising successful and unsuccessful applicants, reimbursing interview expenses, assisting new employees with travel and relocation expenses and receiving evidence of original qualifications.
Teach-out Management (Higher Education) Policy | Procedure
This policy and procedure provides a systematic approach in managing the teach-out of students enrolled in a permanently discontinued Higher Education (HE) course in line with the regulatory requirements.
Training and Assessment Strategies and Practices Policy | Procedure
AAPoly is committed to the provision of high-quality vocational education through the development of pedagogically sound and compliant Training and Assessment Strategies and tools.
Transition Management Policy | Procedure
This policy and procedure provide a systematic approach in managing the transition requirements from superseded Training Packages, qualifications, and units of competency and supporting the management of AAPoly’s scope of registration in line with the regulatory requirements.